Hello everyone
First of all…I work with Logic X and have some outboard using the I/O plug-in in the inserts. I also use multiple levels of busses up to the master out.
I place AutoAlign 2 in the first Insert slot and just don’t get any useful results. For example, my kick in the time reference is corrected, kick out is then 175cm and other instruments also have completely unrealistic values. But above all, it also sounds completely wrong. I’ve already deactivated the I/O plug-ins, but that didn’t bring any improvement. With AutoAlign 1 you at least had the possibility to have some influence on the whole thing and to push errors manually, but that’s no longer possible. Anyone have advice?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Stefan,
I’m sorry your first experience wasn’t as you’ve expected.
Are you running Auto-Align 2 using ARA or as a regular Audio Unit?
Will it be ok if our support try to contact you to understand what’s going on better?
Thank you.
hi Tal
i tried both, bur ara was so slow, that i stopped the alligning…after about 2 minutes it was at 20%.
contact with the supoort would be nice.
best regards
unfortunately I still don’t get any useful results with autoalign 2. i have drum recordings with 12 signals and after the allignm,ent a clearly audible delay… the automatic values are also completely incredible…snare bottom to snare to are e.g. in one of my last attempts it was 350 cm apart… how can i control it or intervene manually… it’s completely useless like that… thanks in advance for your help, greetings, stefan oh yes, that happens almost always… i have now deleted the plugin instances umpteen times, reloaded them again, adjusted them again… the results are always different, but always unusable
Hi @b.riesel,
Thanks for your message.
I just sent you an email from our support desk. Please reply and we’ll take it from there.