32 Lives compatible with MacOS High Sierra?

On Sound Radix’s website, it says that 32 Lives is High Sierra compatible, yet I’m wary to upgrade because of how Apple deprecates the Carbon framework, and Sound Radix thus advised us not to upgrade back in October. I’m wondering if anyone knows for sure that 32 Lives fully works with High Sierra, as I’m not trying to take risks with this piece of software. Is it fully supported in High Sierra? Thanks for any responses.

Hi Luke,

I’m happy to say that we’ve recently found a way to workaround a compatibility issue with the plug-ins that were not working properly in High Sierra. We posted a public beta of the latest build in the 32 Lives public beta forum (Let me know if you’d like to join the public beta group).
There may still be other plug-ins that we’re not aware of that still do not work with High Sierra, so unless you have essential features or need to upgrade to High Sierra, I’ll hold on just a bit longer.




Great! Happy to hear that! Thank you for the invitation to join the public beta group - I would like to join it.

Thanks for the response!

Luke Vitale

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Not working with 32 bit plugins like Antares Auto Tune … or Gross beat VST from windows? Several VST load up without an image and no edit functions.

Can you send the link to the 32 Lives public beta please

Hi - I’d like to join the Beta testing as well if possible. i can’t put off upgrading any longer as I’m still on Mavericks and I’m so far behind on things like Native Instruments Kontact, and Waves plug ins. I use 32 lives mainly to keep my Adrenalinn Plug-in alive. (I’m hoping my Camel Space and Camelphatt plugins make the leap as well - noir sur where we are with those 2 since Apple bought Camel)

Rich Ridings , London

Hi @gorillamusic,
I’ve added you to the public beta.

@rowntree09 - I’ve PM’d you for further details about how to join the public beta.

Thank you.

Hi can I be added to this beta as well? Thanks

I’ve PMed you.

Please add me to the public beta group! Would like to get my hands on this!

Hi, I would also like to be added to the public beta group

I’d also like to join if possible. :slight_smile:

May i also join the public beta forum?

Hi Nir,

I’d like to join the public beta too - quite a few problems with High Sierra - don’t usually jump to upgrade, but the Intel chip scare made me do it I guess.

If you can let me join I would be very grateful and happy to provide feedback (I beta-tested for Emagic on Logic from version 3 or 4 so I know the drill).

I’m on edited, removed e-mail to keep privacy

Many thanks

Matthew Vaughan

For anything getting into this thread.

I’m happy to say that 32 Lives 2.0.3 is fully compatible with macOS High Sierra 10.13.
Version 2.0.3 is released and can be downloaded from your user area!

Public Beta Testing -
If you’d like to join private message me directly (click on my icon and Message)

I guess that was a case of “premature press-releasing”?:slight_smile: Got email yesterday, seeing the posts here today… Still no download in user area nor the 32lives seeing any updates by itself nor by pressing ‘check for updates’…

So, WHEN?!:slight_smile:

Did you download and installed 32 Lives from the user area? When checking the about box or during launch does it show v2.0.3?

Here it downloads and install. Let me know if you need more help.

Could you plz add me to that public beta group as well?

Thanks, this worked. Why did not it see the update from within the 32Lives then?

May i also join the public beta forum? Please! :slight_smile:

Can I please join the public beta group as well. Mac OS High Sierra. I’m also a certified network engineer.