Workflow improvment

After using AAP for a couple of weeks, I have found that I don’t really need the GUI for other than changing the guide track.

I have therefor written a small apple-script that allows me to assign a short cut to the “render” button.
The script will open AAP if it’s not already open, and then press render.
You assign a short-cut using System Preferences/Keyboard/Shortcuts.

You can download the script here.


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Thanks gisle !

You do not want to develop a script to import several multi-monophonic sounds in spot on the time line (style Cantar files) :slight_smile:


Hi Bengeron,

I’m not sure if I’m able, my programming skills are limited:) But you can email me directly and explain what you would like to achieve. I it might be that I can help.

gisle (at)


Hi gisle,

Look this :

That’s what I would like to do …

But it is a software to do many other things, so it’s a bit expensive for just this option :slight_smile:
