Suggestion: Auto Align Post Multiband

Dear Sound Radix,

I am a Mix Engineer for post production in Austria. My colleagues and I are having issues with boom and radio mics that cant be phase corrected with Auto Align Post increasingly often. Frequently, after aligning with the software, the sum of the mix sounds tight in the mids, but weak in the bass. The reason for this is that different phase shifts occur in several frequency bands. They can be corrected with a different tool (MAutoAlign), but it ist very time consuming and impractical.
Please, would you consider improving your tool to multiband (3 bands would be a good start)?

Best Regards,
Alexander Koller

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Hi Alexander,

Thank you for your feedback and suggestion. Help is coming very soon.

Best regards,


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If one of the mics had a HPF engaged while recording, applying a similar filter to the unfiltered mic post-alignment, will induce a similar phase shift and should bring some of the low-end back.



Hi Nir,

Applying a similar filter would probably work, but in real life its far too complicated to find out which recordist used which filters for a given scene. there are so many different recordings even in a single movie (production recordists changing their settings or even different production teams, and then there are ADRs from several studios etc). Sorry, that’s not really a solution to our problem. I want to mention that in my opinion Auto Align Post really is a game changer for post production nevertheless. It just could be even better, fix 100% instead of 80%…

Best Regards,

Thanks, Alex. Understood. Watch our space, good news is coming very soon.


Hi Nir,

I´m very excited about the new spectral phase module and would like to beta test it. Please can you send me a test license on my ilok account “koller-a”
Thanks a lot,

Best Regards,

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Hi Alex,

Nir sent you an email, please check your inbox.


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