I’m back and have managed to make a short video how 32Lives freezes my MacMini (late 2012), 16 GB Core i5 2,5 GHz with a SSD start volume (1 TB, APFS, attached via USB3): Dropbox-Video
Hope that the quality is good enough to see what’s happening. I have added a Memory Clean 3 window to show the degression of free RAM. You can also see in iStatistica on the right that 32Lives eats up the whole memory; there’s no other app active. At the end of the movie my mac was frozen and I had to reboot. This is reproducible every time I start 32Lives.
I’m back and have managed to make a short video how 32Lives freezes my MacMini (late 2012), 16 GB
Thanks for taking the time to capture this.
As this isn’t an issue with Mojave but a broader issue,
It would be really useful if you could contact us through support so we could try and find the culprit for this.
Hi @daoustarchibald,
Yes. 32 Lives is compatible up to the latest Mojave 10.14.6.
Any specific issue regarding a specific plug-in or behavior is written here above.
HI there! I’m running new up date Mojave and Studio 1- 4.6. and AFTER I quit a SONG IT IS CRASHING… Presonus says it might 32 Lives? It shows a wrapper issue in the crash report! Any tips or suggestions? Will you be updating the app any further?
thanks! JA
I’ve tested S1 4.6 with 32 Lives 2.0.6 with both VST and AU instruments but wasn’t able to make it crash.
In order to investigate this throughly I’d suggest you’ll contact us through support .
We do maintain 32 Lives if needed.
32 Lives is still being maintained to provide best support possible up to Mojave 10.14.
Running 32 lives 2.0.5 under mojave 10.14.6 and found that vst plugins are scanned but not showing at display list. only audio units? any suggestion? let me know… thanks