Pi and Protools Offline Bounce

I’m using Pi in a mix in Protools. If I do an offline bounce, Pi is absent from the resulting stereo file.
If I do a real time bounce, Pie works fine.
Has anyone else had this happen? Is it a known thing?

Hi @renswan,

Thanks for your message!

I tested this with some duplicated polarity-flipped tracks, it seems like when bouncing offline, Pi works but not as well as it does when bouncing in real-time.

I’ve documented this issue and we’ll take a look into it asap.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention,


Hi Oran,

Bought Pi yesterday & I love it, but when I export/render a project to audio from Ableton Live 11, it seems that the project is incredibly distorted in some way, or at least the tracks that Pi is on.

Bypass those tracks & the distortion goes away in the bounce.

Hi @maxtr0ne,

Thanks for your message. Glad to hear you’re enjoying Pi!

Can you please make sure you’re exporting to the same sample rate as your session?
To find out your session’s sample rate:

Open Ableton’s Preferences.
Select the Audio Tab.
The 2nd section down is called Sample Rate.

Changing the export’s sample rate to the session’s sample rate should solve the issue.

If it doesn’t, please contact us at support@soundradix.com.

