Cubase 12.0.70 and Reaper 6.81
M1 Macbook Pro Ventura 13.2.1
The SCF changes the tone of the source on low frequency drums. Lets say I set the SCF Bandpass frequency to a range of 65 - 105hz, so it listens only to the fundamental of the kick (so it ignores the snare), the kick drum comes out of the plugin sounding wildly different that it did going in. No, I did not his the S button to listen to the sidechain. It does this with all my kick mics on both kick drums. Same thing happens on Snare Top, although to a much lesser degree, if I set the SCF bandpass at 180 - 230hz to only listen to the snare fundamental, and ignore the toms.
However, there is no detectable difference when I use this same technique on the rack tom close mics. I can hear it a little bit on the floor tom close mics, but its less obvious. Let me know if you need a session from me to see whats happening. This happens equally in Cubase and Reaper.