Error in Premiere Pro: Can't find XML clip

I used Auto-Align Post 2 in Premiere Pro in a sync sequence with 4 channel mono audio. I unlinked the audio and told the lavs (tracks 3 and 4) to align with Track 1 and it worked beautifully. Then I tried to use the same process in my edit sequence that had the same layout but the track had been edited for time. This time when I tried to run the plugin I got this error “Error: Can’t find XML clip at index 187.” I’ve checked the manual and searched the forums and can’t see any reference of an error that mentions XML clips.

An Audio engineer friend who recommended it said he uses it in Pro Tools all the time in tracks that have edits in them and never has an issue so he wasn’t sure why it would be an issue in Premiere. Can someone help?

Hi @ mcfinney,

Thanks for your message. I’m sorry to hear about this issue.

Unfortunately, there’s a known issue with multi-channel audio files and Auto-Align Post in Premiere Pro.
Auto-Align isn’t aware of the multi-channel file’s channel mapping and this may cause errors.

Can you please try selecting the audio clips you’re trying to align, including the reference clip, right-click → Render and Replace, and then apply AAP?

If you’re still having issues, it would be great if you could send us your project and we’d be happy to look into it.

You can use Wetransfer to send us the project.

Let me know how it goes.

