Only PayPal possible?

I bought Server EQ 1 and now I wanted tu upgrade and buy with credit card but its only possible with PayPal.
This didn’t happen with my purchase of ServerEQ
I don’t trust PayPal, and it only works with create an account und give them the rights for credits assessment !
Why they need credits assessment when paying with credit card? All other I know dont arrogate this (for example shareIt).
And believe me, no chance to pay without an account at PayPal.
So I go on working with Server EQ 1 (and without iLok) and thats it.


Hi Martin,

Thank you for your interest in SurferEQ 2! I’m sorry your’e experiencing issue with PayPal. We’re currently in the process of updating our online store with PayPal’s latest APi’s and we hope to accept credit card payments, without requiring a PayPal account, very soon.

FWIW, SurferEQ 2 doesn’t require an iLok USB key to work and can be authorized on a local disk using the iLok License Manager.



Hi Martin,

We’ve discovered an issue with our current PayPal configuration which broke our ability to accept credit cards without creating a PayPal account. I’m happy to say that it’s now corrected and we can now again accept credit cards. Please note that this service may not be available in your country.



Hi Nir, you got it. Now its possible to pay without paypal account and without credits assessment, just one moneytransfer.
To activate ServerEQ 1 last year i had only a licens code to activate it. My only Dongle is a e-licenser, i don’t have an iLok Manager. Is it necessery to create an account by the iLok company ?



Hi @music,

As of SurferEQ 2.0.1 we’ve removed the requirement for physical iLok key. you can activate to hard-drive.
You’d still need to have iLok account, redeem your license and activate on your desired computer.


Hello - I know this is quite an old thread - but I am noticing that only online purchases require a Paypal account - automatically redirected to PayPal when I push buy now. I’m interested in the drum duo which isn’t sold by retailers as a bundle. Am I missing how to purchase this bundle and skip the PayPal login?

Hi Chris,

Unfortunately, Paypal is the only option. In some contries, Paypal allows paying with a credit card. Click the ’ Buy Now’ and see if you have this option available.

