Auto Align coupon codes or sale price?

Anybody know when Sound Radix puts Auto Align on sale? I can’t afford $149 anytime soon. I just downloaded the free trial, but that won’t last long.
Or is there a decent coupon code out there for like 50% off, or something great, like Waves and others usually do?

Wow, this must be a real toxic topic. I posted several days ago and not one person has commented to help me out with how to get Auto Align at a lower, sale price. Not even a Sound Radix person monitoring this forum??

Hi there,

Thanks for your interest in Auto-Align! We usually shy away from sale events, although we do like to party when there’s a special celebratory occasion, such as a new product launch :wink:



I have the same question I guess, but now I’m also curious when’s the new product launch? what is it? and where’s the party?

Hi gutzkleever,

Thanks for your message. We’ve just released our new plug-in POWAIR and the party is on!

