Auto Align 2 Reduced Price?

Is there a reduced price for Auto Align 2 for those of us who spent $400 on Auto Align Post 2??

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I completely share your sentiment on this. It’s a valid question for those of us who’ve already purchased Auto Align Post 2. Having tried it for the 14-days, I’m also trying to justify the investment, especially since I’ve already spent $400 on Auto Align Post 2. Are there any loyalty discounts or reduced pricing for existing customers looking to upgrade?

Hi Guys,

This makes sense and we’d be happy to offer a discount on Auto-Align 2 for Auto-Align Post 2 users.
We’re working on making this happen and I’ll update here once the offer is available.



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Excellent thank you Oran!

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Just checking back to see if there is any movement on this Oran?


Hi @elia69 and @carl.kondrat,

I’m happy to say that the Auto-Align 2 special offer for Auto-Align Post 2 owners is now available on our Online Shop.
If you own AAP 2, make sure you’re logged in to your account in order to see the offer.

To top that, Auto-Align 2 license owners should see a special offer on Auto-Align Post 2.

If you don’t see the offer for some reason, let us know.

Thanks and enjoy,


Hi Oran,
I’m very interested in getting Auto Align Post 2. I was testing version 2.0.1 but it had some bugs in Cubase 12 Pro last year, so I decided to wait a new update. Is it possible to try the 2.1.2 version before purchasing? Thanks,

Hi @darkbird82,

Thanks for your message.
I’ve deposited a 14 days trial extension directly to your iLok account. Simply activate it using the iLok License Manager and you’re all set. You can find the latest Auto-Align Post 2 installer on the Downloads page.

If there’s anything else I can help with, let me know.



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Many thanks Oran :wink:

Hi again Oran,
I was wondering if I should export the drum tracks after using the auto align tool to add new hitpoints and then, triggering/sampling kick and snare tracks. Would it be the correct way to use the tool in case new edits are needed?
Thank you

Hi @darkbird82,

That sounds right. You’d want the hit points to take into account any delay added by AA2.

A simple way of committing Auto-Align 2 in Cubase/Nuendo, is using AA2 as a Track Extension, and then use ‘Make Track Extension Permanent’ from the same menu.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected].



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