Auto-Align 2.2 Public Beta 1


We’re excited to share with you a public beta for our upcoming Auto-Align 2.2 release.

What’s new in Auto-Align 2.2?

  • Reset menu improvements.
  • Nuendo/Cubase - fix possible crash when switching track channel layout.
  • Fixed banks not following track renames.
  • Fixed group toggles do not revert when locked track operation is canceled.
  • Various bug fixes.



Please note that beta builds are not notarized (macOS) or EV codesigned (Windows).
macOS: right-click the .pkg and click open.
Windows: Click “Install anyway” (additional per Anti-Virus steps might be needed).

If you have any issues, please let us know!



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I mistakenly thought it was Auto-Align Post and installed it on my Mac Studio workstation, but I don’t have a license for the non-post version.
Is it safe to simply delete it from the VST3/AAX/Components folders, or do I need to delete some other files from the system?

Hi @sagi,

It’s safe to delete the plugin from the relevant folders.

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Thanks, Oren:)