April 23, 2018, 12:49pm
We’ve got another beta. It feels pretty much solid here so it would be nice if you can take it for a spin.
Updated Changelog:
VST performance denormalization issues.
Possible crash on Digital Performer (VST).
Input meter might show noise-floor instead of silence.
Various cosmetic UI inconsistencies.
SCF - possible crash when LF is set to highest frequency.
SCF - improved filter phase-response.
SCF - Solo won’t work when compressor is off.
Improved side-chain compression and auto gain compensation.
Switching between Mono/Stereo instance on Logic X could lead to a crash.
AAX with side-chain could produce silence when rendered offline. (Commit/Freeze/Bounce Offline)
VST3 might not work with Direct Offline Processing.
On some settings dry signal might not be dry.
Fixed possible crash when inputting out-of-range values.
Bugfixes & improvements to Windows Installer.
Peak clipping options.
User definable meter peak hold.
Performance Improvements.
Added UI Scaling (75% - 200%).
Limiting is now based on true-peak.
Meters/Leveler clear state when playing after stopping.
Pro Tools (AAX) - supports gain reduction meter.
Pro Tools (AAX) - supports automation key modifiers.
Presets names are now being stored and recalled.
A/B states now properly stored and recalled.
Bypass makes UI grayscale.
Have a great week!
Testing new beta !
With soft (or hard) clipper and output level at -1db , seem than ouput level have never true peak now ! good job
May be i have found a problem with the installer of beta , i can’t successfull installed on windows7 32 bits . “Runtime error” . It’s normal ?
April 25, 2018, 9:52am
Hi @sebastien.wittebolle ,
Thanks for letting us now. I’ll try to reproduce on a 32-bit machine (first with Windows 10 as I have a 32-bit Windows 10 available).
If you can share screenshot or more information regarding the error it would be great.
here a screenshot on windows7 32bit :
Tal , have you find the error ?
May 1, 2018, 12:24pm
Hi @sebastien.wittebolle ,
I’ve been able to reproduce it and fixed it on my test machine (a Windows 10 32bit Atom tablet).
Try downloading the Windows installer now. The actual POWAIR is the same. only the installer changed.
Thanks for the headsup!.
1 Like
Good job , fixed on windows7 32bits too.
1 Like
I notice than when i select stereo link "l/r "to " m/s " , it switch too for the leveler , not only for compression, is it normal ?
May 9, 2018, 9:49am
is it normal ?
Thank you for your ongoing feedback. We’ve now made M/S processing within the compressor stage only. We really hope this is our release candidate.
POWAIR 1.1RC2 Windows
Hi @tal , ok , good .May be just one request , but i don’t know if it’s possible; a "dry/wet " feature ,separate for leveler and compressor.
Thank you
May 13, 2018, 8:03am
Hi Sebastien,
Thanks for providing us with such awesome feedback.
I’ve forward your feature request.
If you really need this workflow you can simply put 2 POWAIR instances. one for Leveling and one for Compression.
When compression is off (POWAIR only as leveler) it wouldn’t tax much on CPU.
The Leveler doesn’t color audio. it’s more like a fader movement. Dry/Wet would scale it.
But it is the same as changing the target level and the gain range itself.
Ok @tal , i haven’t thinked at this for use two instance of powair . i’ll try this.
Thank you.
Have a good sunday.
Hi @tal , any news for powair ?
June 11, 2018, 12:13pm
Hi @POWAIR_Public_Beta testers!
This is the latest release candidate which should be released if we won’t find any show stoppers.
Here is the updated changelog:
VST performance denormalization issues.
Possible crash on Digital Performer (VST).
Input meter might show noise-floor instead of silence.
Various cosmetic UI inconsistencies.
SCF - possible crash when LF is set to highest frequency.
SCF - improved filter phase-response.
SCF - Solo won’t work when compressor is off.
M/S mode was processed in Leveler stage.
Improvements & fixes to auto gain compensation and side-chain compression.
Switching between Mono/Stereo instance on Logic X could lead to a crash.
AAX with side-chain could produce silence when rendered offline. (Commit/Freeze/Bounce Offline)
VST3 might not work with Direct Offline Processing.
On some settings dry signal might not be dry.
Fixed possible crash when inputting out-of-range values.
Bugfixes & improvements to Windows Installer.
Peak clipping options.
User definable meter peak hold.
Performance Improvements.
Added UI Scaling (75% - 200%).
Limiting is now based on true-peak.
Meters/Leveler clear state when playing after stopping.
Pro Tools (AAX), Studio One 3.x (VST3) - supports gain reduction meter.
Pro Tools (AAX) - supports automation key modifiers.
Presets names are now being stored and recalled.
A/B states now properly stored and recalled.
Bypass makes UI grayscale.
Minor UI tweaks and improvements.
POWAIR 1.1RC3 Windows
little question ; it seems that with the “side chain” activated, it also acts on the leveler, not only on the compressor. Is this normal?
June 12, 2018, 8:55am
Could you explain in more details? Or provide a preset and explain what you’re seeing?
Hi @tal ,
here a sreenshot of my setting :
In my setting , i use on sidechain of powair a high pass filter , and this high pass filter seem act on the leveler and on the compressor too , i would know if it’s normal , because i thinked the side chain function act only on compression .
Thank you
I hope than it’s more “clear” for you
June 12, 2018, 12:16pm
Hi @sebastien.wittebolle , this is the correct behavior.
Side-Chain isn’t a compressor only behavior, it also applies to Leveler.
If needed, separate inputs (leveler from source, compressor from SC) or vice-versa you can use 2 POWAIR instances.